Saturday 12 February 2011

The Sheer Joy of Movement!

I love this; it's so utterly joyous!


  1. Hi BB

    I assume that your life is turning back to normal after the operation (judging from the reduced frequency in blog updates) and you are getting back to "it" again!

    I am reducing my online presence because of being a target of ID theft recently and therefore I am "Dropping off"...

    So I just wanted to say: I sincerely wish you everything of the Best to you in your future and may you Dance forever. I love your wit and sense of humour, so I will (anonymously) check for updates from time to time.


  2. Hi Jan,

    Thanks for your company and contributions; ID theft is a nuisance and I hope you manage to get everything sorted out.

    I have one more appointment with my consultant at the beginning of March and (fingers crossed) he will be happy with the final result and normal dancing service will resume!

    I do hope you will pop along to the March Madness Dance Off; both 'Flashdance' and 'The Company' will be in the running and I'm fairly certain you can vote anonymously.

    All the best,

    BB xx
