Sunday, 29 August 2010

Hip Hip Hooray

It's day three in the postoperative house and despite seeing the world through the haze of industrial strength prescription pain killers and anti-inflammatory tablets, I think it's fair to say that boredom is definitely scratching at the door. Put it like this; last night I watched 3 episodes of 'The Hotel Inspector' (back to back) on Fiver and by the end was nodding sagely at Alex Polizzi's advice or maybe that's just the quality opiates kicking in.

Today, armed with 'The Hip Arthroscopy Handbook' (oh yes, have a snigger, but I wage it will be a best seller by Christmas) I've started my postoperative physio regime, which today included a very gentle stint on an exercise bike. The cycling will form a large and important part of the recovery regime, so who knows you might see me in the 2012 Olympic Velodrome yet; perhaps Pam Hogg could design the catsuit, sorry I mean streamlined cycling unitard.

And we could always cut a hole in the back of this bonnet and I could wear it back to front.

Right I think we're sorted; Olympic and sartorial victory here I come!

Ballet Bitch xx